Annie’s eyes were wide with confusion as she gazed at him. “What are you discussing? Annie went on, “Please, Thad, figure out what’s going on so I can enjoy the food.” I do! I simply don’t agree with it. I’m not sure why.” Her entreaties simply made Thad feel more depressed. His thoughts was racing, but he faked a grin as he glanced at her. Annie’s tone conveyed that she was truly confused by what he had said.

A Breach Of Trust
He hadn’t, however, told her anything, even about the camera. Although it was a betrayal of confidence, he saw it as a necessary evil. A part of him wanted to apologize and just say what he had done. However, he was also constrained by a different aspect of himself that was motivated by mistrust and uncertainty. He would have it on hand for emergencies. He would check them if he couldn’t find satisfactory answers at home.

A Breach Of Trust