The Honeymoon
When the honeymoon rolled along, this was the ideal chance for the two of them to spend much-needed quality time together. By taking a cruise on the Mediterranean, they experienced a lot. Then, while the pair was dreaming about their honeymoon, this is what they heard: “The honeymoon was a great chance to catch up on sleep…we both flew off to our separate bedrooms and went to sleep.”

The Honeymoon
Dark Truth
Most people imagined that Diana was losing weight quickly because she was too stressed on her wedding day. These recent video clips seem to indicate that there was more to the story than people knew. According to Diana, Charles reportedly made a statement about “setting something off” in her. He caught her waist and said, “oh, you are a little chubby here, aren’t you?”. Since the comment said that Diana develops an eating disorder, the assertion may have affected her. She was reportedly willing to go from a 29-inch waist down to 23.5 inches before going down the aisle on her big wedding day.

Dark Truth