Check out her Instagram account; she goes by the name “Merrysynth.” She is a Polish model who is particularly good at doing her hair and makeup that you no longer know when she is wearing a wig or her natural eye color or lip color. Enough of Merrysynth, in this photo, she is playing the Queen of Atlantis. I hope you remember the movie as she is playing Queen Kida. The resemblance is uncanny, even if the costume is pretty simple.

Princess Bean
Veronika Kukresh nailed her cosplay of Princess Bean. Everything was perfect down to its last details like the buck teeth, the shirt, and the mug’s color! You may check her Instagram, @nika_enot, or her Facebook page for other fantastic work she did. This 23-year old Russian cosplayer will surely be your cup of tea or your mug of brew!

Princess Bean