Her Desire To Serve Her Country
Her legs were cramped and she couldn’t find a comfortable position on the plane because of overbooking. This was bad enough on its own, but she had the distinct impression that someone was staring at her from behind her back. Having dealt with similar situations before, Jessica was well versed in the subject matter. Because of a lack of female soldiers in the military, this was most likely the cause. When people saw a woman in uniform, they were frequently taken aback. She realized that this was the same reason why the stranger had been staring at her so intently earlier in the conversation. But she was mistaken in her assessment.

Her Desire To Serve Her Country
Economy Is The Most Affordable Option
Who hasn’t fantasized about traveling in as much comfort as possible? Unfortunately, economy seats are much less expensive than business and first-class. For most people, the savings outweigh the inconvenience. Jessica was well aware of the situation, but she was unconcerned. She was, after all, far too eager to return home!

Economy Is The Most Affordable Option