She Was A Part Of A Military Minority
The female military population totaled 16 percent of the total military population in 2017. Though only a small number, this figure has been steadily rising in recent months. Even though these female officers may go unrecognized, they are outstanding individuals. It was Jessica who chose a path that was not always available to others who found themselves in her situation. It is possible that this is applicable to the current situation, however.

She Was A Part Of A Military Minority
On Her Way Home For The Holidays
In any case, where was she headed in the first place? On the other hand, Jessica had just returned from spending the holidays with her family in their home. Due to the fact that it had been so long since she had seen them, she was overjoyed. For her, being separated from her family and friends was a difficult situation to deal with. Despite this, she maintained a brave demeanor and attempted to serve her country to the best of her ability. She had no idea that this plane ride would be a little different from the others she had taken before it departed.

On Her Way Home For The Holidays