The News
When Michael and Lee finally confirmed that it was indeed Samuel’s car that they had found near Crangan Bay, they immediately called Tony to deliver the news. When Tony found out he can’t stay still, he was desperate to know more about the situation, so he drove right away, going to the place where they found Samuel’s car to confirm and answer all the questions he had. Michael was 50 meters away from the car, so he couldn’t see if Samuel was inside so he went closer.

The News
Staying Optimistic
Michael was the one who went to the car to see up close if there was someone inside or none. He was feeling nervous at that time since it’s the moment of truth. He doesn’t know if he’ll find anyone in there or if there is, is he alive or not. He shouted his nephew’s name as he was approaching near the car but to no avail. That made him more nervous and got afraid of what he’s about to discover. However, he noticed a slightly moving head and confirmed that Samuel is alive. He called Tony.

Staying Optimistic