It comes as no shock that airplanes are full of germs. We got the scoop right from the source on exactly how you can keep your spot extra clean and germ-free. Often during the quick flight-changes and stopovers cleaning services are forced to miss major aspects that hold tons of germs, after all, an airplane is filled with people and no proper airflow. We have the perfect tricks to keep you from catching the common cold and more…

Areas You Must Sanitize Before Flying
Tray Tables
Tray tables are utilized not only for eating purposes but people use them to sleep on, put their feet on and everything in between. Nevermind from everyone’s hands before and after the bathroom but their feet after walking around too. Rather a disturbing thought. Stewardess’s reported that it is an area often missed by cleaning services due to the time it takes to pull each one out and return it- time they often do not have during flight-changes. It is highly suggested to take a small pack of sanitary wipes with you onboard and wipe down your whole area from tray table to storage pouch.
Provided Pillows & Blankets
The same story applies with the pillows and blankets- it is unsure how well they are cleaned and between flights, they are often just reused from one person to the other…gross. The best option is to dress warmly, bringing extra layers and to rather use your own neck-pillow. For extra precautionary measures, we would even wipe the head-rest down and take the paper-cover off. Why? The head-rest towelette is hardly changed, stewardesses said.
Avoid Hot Drinks
Morning coffee or evening tea, the water is the issue. We are starting to understand the whole air-transport business is rushed and rather demanding. Thus, it is suggested to avoid hot drinks. Why? Stewardesses said that there are much bigger priorities than cleaning the pipes of the plane and the water may not be as clean and filtered as we think. Stick with the bottled stuff.