Packing your carry-on bag or any suitcase for that matter is an acquired skill, it takes practice, great memory, and experience. Well, unless you have a list of essentials that simply should always be taken. Let’s be real, the worst part about traveling is the packing part. Many choose to take different types of bags with them- some take totes, others backpacks or wheeled ones. The truth is, it’s about what is easiest and most comfortable for you to handle. There is a simple methodology to how you pack your carry-on but the overall aim is for it to make your travel experience easy and seamless through each step. Here are our few must-haves and method to the madness.

Must-Have Carry-On Items You Simply Should Not Forget
Getting Through The Airport
The first tip is to remember that your airport experience should be seamless and carefree, you do not want to be searching for the essentials. Your passport, travel wallet, and any documents should be kept together and in a pouch or pocket that is easiest to get in and out of. This will make security super easy and effective for you. Moreover, your cash and cards should be close by. Another handy thing to keep close by is a small toiletry pouch- equipped with wet wipes, sanitizer, lip-ice, and other necessities you personally may need- such as medication, etc. Lastly, your headphones, pillow, and snacks should be somewhere in the mix, these are the things that make your flight comfortable and easy. We suggest writing a list and checking it off just before you leave to ensure you have everything you need.
Unexpected Goodies
Once you have the above mentioned packed and easily accessible, time to worry about things that may just make your flight easier. For starters, if you get bored easily or need to be entertained- ensure you pack a book, a laptop, iPod, or a tablet of some sort. Whichever is your preference and will keep you distracted as well as at ease. It is a good idea to bring along a portable charger on long flights to make are none of your gadgets run flat. Additionally, if you are embarking on a long flight we suggest purchasing a pair of compression socks or tights. These can assist your blood flow and prevent any serious conditions. Traveling this 2021 it is evident that sanitization is a must! Disinfectant wipes, a spare mask, and hand sanitizer are in fact the three essentials you can get away with and need. Wipe down your entire seat including armrests and your headrest it is super important. Frequent sanitization is the next step and lastly just in case something happens to your face mask it is always a good idea to keep a spare. We suggest keeping a few toiletries in your bag just incase- such as a toothbrush, some minis such as soap or body wash, and even shampoo- this is always just a precaution. Buy mini bottles and utilize these. Roll-on deodorant is also always a good idea. These few things and you should be just fine!