Sushi must be one of the most popular preferences and types of cuisine around the globe. The Asian cuisine has circled worldwide and been altered in some cases into a new Asian fusion dynamic. Chefs are utilizing techniques rooted in the cuisine but nonetheless basic sushi and its original dishes are a favorite for many. The origins of this delicious delicacy originate in Japan however, Japan is not ranked with one of the best in the world with regards to restaurants. We have the top 3 sushi restaurants you just have to visit.

The World’s Best Sushi Restaurants
Aida, Paris
Te exclusive restaurant accepts only 8 tables per night and boasts 2 menus on offer. Japanese rooted with delightful tastes and flavors. The restaurant is extremely pricey with the menus costing 200 Euros- 280 Euros. The restaurant s more than just sushi with Kobe beef and other delicacies incorporated. The restaurant has been rated as a must-visit if looking for Japanese in Paris. The dishes are rather small in nature.
Masa, New York City
This restaurant may be ranked after Aida but according to reviews, it is more well-known and better value for money. The cost of dinner is $595 per person and that is not including beverages. The experience takes 2 hours and tips are actually not accepted at this restaurant. The restaurant boasts both traditional Japanese dishes as well as Americanized versions. The Michelin 3-star restaurant does not allow any photography of the food in order to create a fully focused experience.
Miku, Vancouver
Traditional Japanese cuisine is infused with west coast flavors and creates an innovative dining experience for all. The restaurant boasts an inhouse dessert pastry chef that gives it another flair. With a variety of seafood and fresh fish that is locally sourced the restaurant utilizes all. This restaurant is less exclusive but absolutely brilliant.