Two to three percent of all adults react to certain foods – among children it is more than twice as many. Eating a variety of foods as a child can lead to developing an allergy. There is an EU directive according to which a total of 14 ingredients and the products derived from them must be declared as possible triggers of food allergies on packaged foods. Among them are:

10 Foods That Can Trigger The Most Severe Allergies
A large number of nuts, including peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios, can cause an antigen-antibody reaction, which is expressed in coughing, swollen mucous membranes, pustules or even more severe reactions. If that’s the case, avoid them at all costs.
The more often a ababy drinks milk, the greater the risk that it will develop a corresponding allergy or lactose intolerance. The best prevention for mothers is breastfeeding with mother’s milk, which, according to studies, makes food intolerance less common.
Many vegetarians see soybeans and the products made from them as a substitute for milk or meat – but they also have allergy potential, around half a million Germans suffer from them. Therefore, the use of soy in foods in the EU must be declared.
Although it is very healthy, many children do not like fish – and this, in addition to the bones, the sometimes unfamiliar taste and the “fishy” smell, can cause reactions, since the fish contains many allergens. So carefully introduce the offspring to fish and fish products – some of them don’t tolerate it later either.
Wheat is the most allergenic grain in the world. Wheat and other cereals containing gluten quite often cause allergies, especially wheat allergies are lifelong and cannot be cured. If it is found – without a doubt only a doctor can do that – the corresponding products must be strictly avoided.
Cereals containing gluten are consumed in large quantities. Wheat is one of the staple foods worldwide, covering almost 50% of our daily calorie requirements. There are various causes of wheat or gluten intolerance; clear identification is often difficult. In addition to an autoimmune disease, celiac disease, there is gluten sensitivity, but also wheat allergy.
One of the allergies that is more common in adulthood is that to celery root. Many pollen allergy sufferers are affected here, the symptoms are usually mild, but in extreme cases can trigger a life-threatening so-called anaphylactic shock.
Mustard allergy is probably the most common spice allergy. Although the chances of getting a mustard allergy are very low, the reactions are often very strong. The mustard allergy usually occurs as a cross-allergy or as an additional allergy, very rarely as the only allergy. Most of the known mustard allergens are stable to heat and digestion and are therefore not destroyed during mustard production. These can cause strong reactions.