Regular jobs can get pretty darn boring. These employees made some hilarious mistakes at their mundane jobs, and we get to reap the laughing benefits. Take a look at these pictures!
Technically The Same Thing
What’s the difference between a cob of corn and a watermelon? While the answer might be obvious to most of us, there’s an employee out there who still hasn’t quite figured it out. They do both grow in the ground and they’re edible… but then again, I’m sure we could name a bunch more things with those characteristics.

Technically The Same Thing
Who knows? Maybe this was done on purpose for some odd reason… Maybe the employee who did this made a mistake and just chose to roll with it? Either way, it’s pretty funny.
There’s No ‘I’ In Team
You’ve certainly heard this from your former teachers and coaches – “Kids, there’s no ‘I’ in team!” They were right on the money, but do you know who wasn’t? The cheerleaders who put this sign together. “We’ve got the spirt, yes we do! We’ve got the spirt, how about you?!”

There’s No ‘I’ In Team
All we can think of while looking at this fail is how long did it take before someone realized the mistake? You gotta wonder if someone else noticed before the cheerleaders did, or if they themselves realized their mistake.
Dedicated Worker
There was something about Tony and his adamance to do his job thoroughly. He was told to paint a double line all the way up through the neighborhood, and that’s exactly what he did. There was never going to be an unconquerable obstacle for this determined worker.

Dedicated Worker
One thing is still unclear, is Tony simply a very literal man, or did he do this on purpose to spite the car’s owner? Maybe the car was parked illegally and so Tony decided to do something about it…
Limbo Office
The interview for the Limbo Entertainment Club wasn’t particularly difficult. The most challenging part of the entire interview process was actually getting into the office. When hurdles tryouts started later that week, it was a whole different situation.

Limbo Office
Let’s be honest for a second. Who wouldn’t enjoy working in an office like that? It’s clearly the perfect way to stretch out your back after being hunched over your desk all day!
Winter Is Coming
This is what the winter rush sale looks like in Arizona. You can never be too prepared for the onset of the cold season, and this store is making sure that you’re covered. There were rumors that they might be selling closed-toe shoes too!

Winter Is Coming
We imagine that their winter sales must be great too. Who doesn’t wear open shoes in the dead of winter? One thing is for sure:this store deserves credit for its originality.
50 Shades Of Yellow
Listen, it could just be that the name of the brand is “yellow”. I would like to think that it isn’t and that April’s Fools was nigh at this stationery store. For anyone who might be color blind, these crayons all look pretty right.

50 Shades Of Yellow
In any case, these “yellow” crayons will make the most beautiful monochrome drawing! Perhaps the real reason these are all labelled as yellow is due to a label shortage in the factory the crayons are made? There are really so many reasons that could explain this colorful fail.
Flat Earther Calculator
Some things should never be contested. Let’s take the fact that the Earth is round – yeah, no-one should be arguing with that undeniable point. Another one is that a ton of bricks weighs the same as a ton of feathers. No argument there. The numbers 1,0 and 4 should all be rearranged here – no-one is arguing.

Flat Earther Calculator
We’re wondering whether this calculator is, in fact, a puzzle in disguise? That would explain why the numbers are out of order. We have a feeling it was just a fail on behalf of the manufacturers.
When You Take Your Boss Literally
It was her first day on the job, and we all know that first days require great first impressions. She didn’t want to veer away from the clear-cut instructions her manager had given her. You might say that she did exactly what she was told to.

When You Take Your Boss Literally
One important lesson can be learned here: always proofread everything you publish, folks. Even when you’re sure it’s fine, read it one more time, just in case.
Mass Flood Averted
When the heavy rains of November came, the city was obligated to fight the constant drainage issues. One might wonder where the best spot for a drain would be. You might think that the lowest point would be ideal, but clearly, you and all of us were wrong.

Mass Flood Averted
What good would a drain do on the lower part of the road? Really, this makes so much more sense… Why would we want the water to actually go into the drain…Right?
Perfect For Birthdays
Marketing has really moved into a completely new realm. People aren’t just buying things that they’ve seen in magazines and in TV commercials. Now consumers are buying products they never have, and never will, see! This birthday suit is just one example of this strange phenomenon.

Perfect For Birthdays
For all we know, this might just be a reference to the invisibility cloak in the Harry Potter series. Honestly, that would be the best-case scenario. It would be quite useful now that we think about it.
The Far West
Sure, you’ve heard of the Far East, but what about the Far West? Many tourists flock to Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos to get their taste of a different culture. This tourist picked up this very interesting t-shirt from the “Far West”. Some might say it looks like Africa. You might say that’s ignorant.

The Far West
This is exactly why Geography is an important subject to learn. Just pick up an atlas every now and again or even look online! It will save you so much embarrassment, believe us.
Don’t Mind Me
Do you know what this is like? This is like standing with a megaphone on the corner of a busy street shouting about how terrible the meat industry is… while you’re munching on a hamburger. You’re really trying to help, but you haven’t noticed just how hypocritical you are yourself.

Don’t Mind Me
There really isn’t much more to say about this contradictive situation, other than just how ironic it is. It’s as if someone was trying so hard to help that they didn’t actually pay attention to what they were doing which resulted in the opposite effect. At least they tried.
From Sunday To Next Tuesday
If you’ve been living a 7-day week, man oh man, you don’t know what you’ve been missing out on. I wonder what two extra days would do for us? I mean we’d have to consider if those days were weekdays or weekend days. What would they be called? “Urday”? “Neptday”?

From Sunday To Next Tuesday
Just imagine how much more you could get done with two whole extra days each week! For all our sakes, we just hope they will be weekends. We would settle for one more day on the weekend and one more weekday. That seems reasonable.
The Reason I Have Trust Issues
You know that feeling when you expect one thing and then get something completely different? Like when you take a bite into a chocolate chip cookie, only to find out that it’s actually filled with raisins?! That’s the worst! Well, this ice-cream is exactly the same.

The Reason I Have Trust Issues
This goes to show – never judge a book by its cover. Or rather, don’t trust what food packaging tells you, because the food almost never looks like it does on its container. All we can really say about this is that at least all the promised components are there.
Ex-Employee To Be
Roger thought that it would be the last thing he did before wrapping up his shift. Well, he was right. It was the last thing he did for the company that day, and from then on too. We can’t imagine his boss was too pleased to see this pile.

Ex-Employee To Be
However, there is one thing we can’t look past – did Roger not realize what was written on the boxes? Did he simply ignore it? Or perhaps he doesn’t know English well and misunderstood? In any case, we can only imagine how his boss reacted.
April Fool’s Prank Level Expert
When April 1st comes around, pranksters always find a way to mess with the people they work with. Some do little things like removing the batteries of a computer mouse, but then there are others that take it to the extreme. Hot dog buns changed with hamburger buns is next level!

April Fool’s Prank Level Expert
The best part of this epic prank is that whoever falls for it must be so oblivious to just about everything. The bags are literally see-through! There’s no way people won’t notice the switch.
Not Remotely Interested
If you’re not going to be serious when you’re interviewing someone, how can you expect them to take you seriously? Are you ready for the worst dad pun there is? I’d say that the guy being interviewed isn’t remotely interested in the questions being asked. Har Har!

Not Remotely Interested
We just hope that the reporter who decided to stick a remote in this guy’s face did it on purpose to lighten the mood. Either way, it was a great pun just waiting to happen.
Sounds Like A Party
You thought you were just going out for a fun day at the movies, so you didn’t expect this. This could look like two very different events. At the first party, you might be invited to drink from the Kool-Aid, and the second? We’d rather not say…

Sounds Like A Party
In any case, neither of these events look very PG-13, if we do say so ourselves… Just make sure the kids don’t accidentally go to these somehow.
Who’s Wrong?
I’ve heard people saying that when two people see the same thing from a different angle, they’re both right because it’s their unique perspective. That’s utter nonsense as you can see right here. One person thinks you should ‘stop’ to be safe; the other suggests a ‘sotp’.

Who’s Wrong?
We sure hope this was an innocent mistake, but if it was, wouldn’t it get fixed? Unless whoever did it decided against it and just left it the way it is for laughs.
Hotel Mutiny
The staff at this hotel had had enough with their manager’s pestering, so they took matters into their own hands. A simple sign was not going to deter the disgruntled staff from pulling off one of the most passive-aggressive attacks in the history of hotel aggression.

Hotel Mutiny
We wonder how this feud turned out… Did the manager take a more drastic approach after this? Did the staff persist? We need to know how the story ends!
What Nightmares Are Made Of
If you’re looking for a fluffy toy for your kids, my advice is to take a skip on these guys. If you’ve ever wondered what makes kids’ nightmares, this is one of the greatest contributors. As we say, “they only had one job.”

What Nightmares Are Made Of
And clearly, they failed miserably. The best way to make use of these sort of toys is by giving it to your dog – they will never notice the difference!
When Water Prices Rise
Inflation is affecting everyone; no-one is spared. But as some things rise in price, others remain stable. So when water started to climb the price ladder, it was popcorn that didn’t budge at all. This might explain the popcorn in ice bags… might.

When Water Prices Rise
Or perhaps this was a way of messing with customers… April’s Fools joke gone wrong? Who knows, this might just be a clever way of advertising the ice without actually selling ice.
A Miss Is As Good As A Mile
I don’t think the instructions could be any clearer. There was literally only one place where a sticker should have gone, and guess what? It didn’t go there. Some say that “a miss is as good as a mile,” and we certainly can see how that’s true here.

A Miss Is As Good As A Mile
We can feel the apathy just by looking at the picture. There is a chance the employee who did this meant to. It seems to be the best passive-aggressive way of messing with people at your job, don’t you think?
Please Finish Your Sentence
Cutting costs is an essential part of doing business. Sometimes saving money comes from finding more cost-friendly resources. In other cases, it’s looking at areas that can use less of something. Unfortunately, in this case, it was the ink that should have been used to finish this hanging sentence.

Please Finish Your Sentence
One thing is certain: this sign will most definitely get customers’ attention in no time. Especially since it claims to be extra professional. It’s the best marketing scheme out there!
When It’s 5 pm
So many people come in to do a job and leave the second 5 pm comes around. This employee was supposed to fill the machine with some candies, but as the hour hand hit the 5, it was time to go. He was considerate enough to actually put the candy into the machine.

When It’s 5 pm
Just imagine how frustrating it would be for a kid to see the machine and then realize he won’t be able to get any candy since it’s all in sealed bags? On the other hand, parents must love this tactic.
It’s A Conspiracy
Do you know of or are you a conspiracy theorist? With so many groundbreaking events occurring all the time, it’s hard to differentiate between reality and conspiracy. The moon landing? Elvis’ death? Even the horrific events of 9/11. Is there by any chance something with China and the US?

It’s A Conspiracy
Whichever way you look at it, this is a pretty funny mistake, especially since China and America couldn’t be farther apart. Literally. They are on opposite sides of the planet.
Death By OCD
This can actually burn holes into your brain if you look for too long. How could someone have gotten this so wrong? Even if the person responsible for putting these bricks in place was color blind, surely he could have seen the difference!

Death By OCD
Unless the person who did it meant to put in the tiles this way… Which would just be plain mean if you ask us. For all we know they might just have wanted to get the job done as quickly as possible.
This Is Bugging
Yeah yeah, I know it was an awful pun, but it was so relevant. It’s not like there was no picture on the packaging as a guide. Maybe we should try to visit the packer’s psyche. There’s a great chance that he had arachnophobia and he refused to touch the tarantula toys.

This Is Bugging
Let’s be honest though, who would want to buy these kinds of toys other than pranksters? We can’t think of any other use for this toy other than to mess with someone.
Keep Your Kids Sharp
Something tells me that this packer spent his first day in his new department… it also turned out to be his last day. Keeping with the theme of “back to school”, he thought knives would be appropriate. Go figure.

Keep Your Kids Sharp
It was either that or the person who set this up knew how kids feel about school sometimes. Whichever reason it is, it’s a pretty terrifying mistake.
Marketing Genius
One of the best marketing strategies out there is to confuse your target audience into buying something while thinking that they’re saving money. What they’re telling customers is basically, “don’t pay $9.95, but rather pay $9.95.”

Marketing Genius
Who knows, maybe this marketing tactic works? Maybe confusing the customer is the way to get them to purchase the item? In any case, we think it’s a great deal.
It’s Really Difficult
Personally, I have no problem remembering which side right and which is left. Or at least that’s what I’ve chosen to tell you. I can totally get where this person is coming from. Left and right be quite confusing at times. Am I right?

It’s Really Difficult
This is another instance where this is either an honest mistake or the person making these purposely decided to confuse people as much as they can.
Spelling Is Key
English is a difficult language with so many contradicting rules to remember. Spelling is never consistent and it’s because of that that we have so many typos on restaurant menus and signs. As you can see, you can find spelling errors in stores too.

Spelling Is Key
Not only that, but there are spelling errors just about everywhere, even in published books. It’s actually really satisfying to come across one while reading, it makes us feel rather good about ourselves to be honest.
Well, It Is Mac ‘N Cheese
The new cook may have forgotten to add the cheese to the cafeteria’s famous “mac ‘n cheese mixup”. But he was quick to correct his mistake, but some might say the problem was with his execution. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, MAC ‘N CHEESE!

Well, It Is Mac ‘N Cheese
If you really can’t stand the sight of this, have no fear, the cheese would have soon melted after this picture was taken. We know this doesn’t fix the issue, but it does make it ever so slightly better.
He’s Not Wrong
Have you ever tried to remember a word and you just can’t? No matter how much you wrack your brains, you just can’t seem to get the word you’re searching for. It’s on the tip of your tongue! Yeah, that’s what happened to this guy – “long yellow things”.

He’s Not Wrong
Instead of just leaving the task to move on to another one until he remembered the right word, this guy must have been really desperate to get the job done as soon as possible.
Playing Dead
They had one fish, and all they had to do was keep it alive. They should probably worry that someone will sue them for false advertising since the fish isn’t, well, you know, alive. I guess they could just change the first word there.

Playing Dead
Unless the fish is simply very well trained and really is just playing dead. At least, that’s what we hope is happening in this picture. Guess we’ll never know.
What Do You Want?!
This reminds me of a recent debate I had with my wife about where we were going to eat dinner. See, she wanted pizza, but then she wanted Mexican. I was easy so I agreed that we should go for Mexican. She changed her mind and wanted Italian, so I went with that too. Soon it was Indian…

What Do You Want?!
Whichever way you look at this, there’s really no telling what the right sign is… At this point, we just reckon that anything goes. If anyone tries to convince you that you weren’t supposed to use that door, just point to this sign.
It Will Hold
It completely makes sense to put temporary solutions in place while permanent answers are being explored. I think that there are some cases where this shouldn’t be implemented. When a post holding up a building is involved, plastic wrap is probably not the answer.

It Will Hold
Maybe duct tape is the real answer? Or maybe, actually fixing the problem? With proper bricks and stuff? Just a thought… But sure, saran wrap will do just fine, especially in the long run.
David Copperfield Is In Town
We’ve probably all seen that mind-blowing woman-cut-in-half illusion magicians have done. It’s pretty remarkable, but I’m not sure that it’s so impressive when it’s done on a billboard. Then again, this was probably not done intentionally.

David Copperfield Is In Town
All the same, there really isn’t much more to say than “you had just one job”. Also, didn’t the people who put this up notice that they made the mistake? Did they just shrug and leave?
No Excuses Now
This might just be the future of parking lots – spots that are multiple sizes. They also offer drivers the opportunity to park properly at any angle. There might be a few kinks in the plan, but for now, it looks pretty solid.

No Excuses Now
We just hope you won’t end up being the person parked by the curb with a row of cars behind you. You won’t be getting out anytime soon so good luck getting out of that pickle!
Genius At Work
When it comes to jobs that include operating dangerous machinery, it’s best you take the proper safety precautions. As you can see, this hard-working man is not particularly riddled with the rules of safety.

Genius At Work
We feel like it’s important to mention here that safety precautions are very important. Especailly for your health. Minor details, we know.